Well, my story starts in May of 1996 and I was a senior in high school. Three weeks before I was supposed to graduate we had 3 F4 tornados devastate my town. These tornados produced over 200 mph winds and destroyed over 30 miles of land.
There were 10 people injured including myself but amazingly no one was killed. The tornados caused over 100 million dollars in damage and still today you can see the effects of the tornados 18 years later.
Luckily my home was only damaged, but our only vehicle a 1991 F-150 had a huge tree branch going in the driver door and coming out the passenger door. Luckily my mom has an extremely generous sister.
Seeing how we needed some wheels my Aunt Barbra had a 1996 Jeep Cherokee Country with 32,000 miles on it. Barbara and her husband Bill bought used in January just sitting in the driveway.
Next thing you know it was ours..yes they gave us the XJ.
I had always liked the Jeep Cherokee but never thought I was going get one let alone free. It wasn't long after it arrived the XJ was pulling its weight for my family and others.
If you look to the right where she sits. That picture was taken May 28, 2015 - 134,226 miles later. Still in the family and still saving our bacon. Today in 2016 she has 144,442 miles on her now and still runs great and no major servicing ever needed...except what I caused.
In 2010 I was in the XJ and I was hit while pulling out of a side street. I was hit directly on the driver side front tire at 35 mph. The impact bent the axle and housing making the top of the tire lean pointing at 10 O'clock, also the driver door was dented in and left fender was mashed in as well.
But the XJ started and pulled me off the road. I was asked if I wanted it towed to the house but for some reason, I said no. So after everyone was tended to and the police left I drove the XJ 20 miles home..on a severely bent axle among other things.
Amazingly the XJ drove straight and true, no wobble, no vibration. You would never know it had been severely damaged if you saw it from the passenger side. So 20 miles later I pulled into my driveway and came to a stop.
As I sat there collecting my thoughts..the XJ stopped running.
I was speechless, it was as if the XJ was telling me " Your home Safe, I need a rest." and wouldn't start again, hell it wouldn't even turn over.
Next morning I went out to look the XJ over and figure up the damage. As I sat in the driver's seat I turned the key to check for trouble codes and she fired right up. Man Was I happy and I have to say the XJ has always started since then.
Repair wise I did have to swap out the front axle, replace upper and lower control arms, new ball joints, tie rod ends and track bar. I popped out the dent on the front fender and never fixed the door.
Three years ago I added a second XJ to the family. It is a 1996 Sport with 224,000 give or take. It's an ok runner but you can tell it's been ridden hard and put up wet.
As a precaution I replaced just about every bolt on part a 4.0L Jeep engine can have and like it's stablemate has never left me stranded.
Also at this time, Everyday-XJ was born and my first Jeep Cherokee XJ related video on YouTube was produced with now over 200,000 views.
Well, I'm just your average everyday guy that enjoys his XJ. I'm a commercial truck driver by day and self-taught internet entrepreneur by night. I love the outdoors and spending time with those close to me.
I love weekends at the lake and consuming all the tasty adult beverages people make me drink. lol, I have two animals Jamie the Collie and KeeKat the cat. Sometimes I wonder what else does a guy need..oh yea a couple of Jeep XJ's lol.
I'm a self-taught mechanic, welder and fabricator..not the best or close by any means but I get the job done. I've also taught myself body work, paint and fiberglass repair.
One thing I haven't done yet is completely rebuilt an engine. I know how they work but have never had one to tear down.
Eventually, I would like to turn Everyday-XJ.com into a full-time business. I'm currently redoing the website for the third time adding a lot more quality content. I'm adding how-to videos, tech articles on various systems and specifications.
Also in the works is a forum and an online store for Jeep Cherokee XJ related parts and performance upgrades.
Conquer Obstacles and Drive On.